In May 2022, around 80 candidates sat English aptitude tests at St. Paul’s

2022-23 Selection Process 

Start: January 2022 
Final decision on scholars: June 2023 

While the 2021-22 scholarship candidates were concluding their selection process, we kick started the selection process for the August 2023 intake. 

By January we had received a record 183 applications between the ages of 10-14. All the candidates submitted the necessary paperwork, video and essay in English. Of these we invited 80 candidates to sit exams at the school in April 2022. We then selected the best 25 candidates (by exam) for an interview and of these 20 made it on to the 2022-23 Preparation Course. This group have just started their English immersion course at Cultura Inglesa and they will soon start lessons at St. Paul’s three times a week. Only the best candidates will be awarded scholarships starting in August 2023. 

The St. Paul’s Foundation partners:

Once again, we worked closely with organisations who were able to identify potential candidates – see some of the organisations below:

Yearly, when we open the selection process, our team reaches out to more than 20 NGOs that work with potential candidates to the scholarship programme. We also visit and share information about the process to the regional offices in São Paulo which connect hundreds of public schools in the city. These meetings help us to spread the message about our programme. The map shows some of the regions where our 2022-23 candidates live. 

Map of São Paulo with the origin of candidates for the 2022-23 selection process


Rua Juquiá, 166
Jardim Paulistano
São Paulo SP
+55 11 3087-3393

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