Support us
The St. Paul’s Foundation is a separate legal entity from St. Paul’s School. We work in partnership with the school; however, our work is funded solely through the generous donations of its patrons.
Since 2018, we have had more than 320 donors and raised almost R$ 13.7 million. The community's growing interest in the project demonstrates the alignment between the school, the foundation and our community, all with the same vision of improvement for the future.
In August 2024, we have reached 40 scholars and now, we are working hard to reach the school’s centennial target of having 10% of the senior pupils in receipt of financial assistance, which equivalates to 50 scholars.
Together, we’ll make a difference and transform lives through a world-class education!
As the St. Paul’s Foundation is a separate OSCIP (Civil Society Organisation of Public Interest), donations are directed exclusively to it for the specific purpose of funding the Scholarship Programme. We emphasise that the governance and decision-making processes of the Foundation and the School are independent.

The St. Paul’s Endowment Fund
FABEC believes that “development” means more than bricks and mortar, much more than shiny new buildings; development in the modern world encompasses human development, investment in people. And as such, they feel this contribution from their development fund into the St. Paul’s endowment is perfectly aligned with the initial intent of the fund. That is why they have decided to contribute with the initial seed capital of R$ 15 million.

FABEC also established that, for every Real donated by our community, the school will donate another Real to the endowment fund, up to R$10 million. This means that FABEC allocated a total of BRL 25 million to this initiative, completed in June 2024.
Next, to continue transforming futures, FABEC announced that it will annually donate 3% of their revenue to help finance scholarships. This should account for about half of the projected scholarships for the foreseeable future.
Fully funded scholarships:
The programme is as personalized as it gets, we analyze each specific individual and their families in order to make sure that their needs will be covered. We understand this to be crucial in order to make sure their integration at the school happens as smoothly as possible.

How to donate
Your contribution enables us to find, develop, and support our scholars with a transformative education.
Pix Key:
Banco Itaú (341)
Branch: 9337
Account: 07726-8
CNPJ: 09.624.241/0001-86
Razão Social: Fundação St. Paul’s de Apoio à Educação
Click here to access our online donations page.
Discover the benefits of corporate donations and explore tax incentives for companies that support our cause. Learn more here.
For more information on Giving to the St. Paul’s Foundation, please contact our Development Coordinator, Stephanie Sippli at
Annual Report
Our donors
- The St. Paul's PTA
- The Greenlees Family
- Viviane and Stephen Hood
- Rebeca and Bernardo Ouro Preto
- Renata and Bruno Soter
- Carolina Mariutti and Sergio Almeida
- The Costa Franco Family
- Gabriela and David Bobrow
- Fernanda and Anthony Jezzi
- Cristina Franch and James Wilkinson
- Ana e Marco Abrahao
- Cinthia and Ary Viriato
- The Giannella Family
- Amy Clifford
- Joanna Crellin and Rod Escombe
- Sita and Alistair Taylor
- Alessandro Zema Silva
- Sandra and Raphael de Cunto
- Carlos A. Lima
- The Farhat Family
- Poliana and Dimitri Moufarrege
- The Rosenthal Family
- Victoria and Arno Schwarz
- Lis and Edward Weaver
- The Lloyd Family
- Helena and Marcos Spieler
- Sara and Luiz Tastardi
- The McCarthy Family
- Viviane and Eduardo Guimaraes
- The Macedo Family
- Craig Bavinton
- The Hormain Family
- The Leonetti Family
- Alina Asiminei and Antônio Diogo
- The Hughes Cardoner Family
- The Westphalen Family
- Jassi Grewal
- The Esteves Family
- Tatiana and George Kerr
- The Doherty Family
- Flavia Cipovicci and José Berenguer
- Laura and André Covre
- Carminha Pereira de Morais
- The Lawrence Bueno Family
- Celiza and José Cabral
- The Rinzler Mizne Family
- Juliana and Eduardo Mufarej
- Marcia and Claudio Moraes
- The Paes Family
- Monize Neves and Ricardo Vasques
- The Bartunek Family
Here is a list of our donors who made regular or sporadic donations, and/or contributed in a Foundation event between July 2021 and June 2022:

Our donors
- The St. Paul's PTA
- The Greenlees Family
- Viviane and Stephen Hood
- Rebeca and Bernardo Ouro Preto
- Renata and Bruno Soter
- Carolina Mariutti and Sergio Almeida
- The Costa Franco Family
- Gabriela and David Bobrow
- Fernanda and Anthony Jezzi
- Cristina Franch and James Wilkinson
- Ana e Marco Abrahao
- Cinthia and Ary Viriato
- The Giannella Family
- Amy Clifford
- Joanna Crellin and Rod Escombe
- Sita and Alistair Taylor
- Alessandro Zema Silva
- Sandra and Raphael de Cunto
- Carlos A. Lima
- The Farhat Family
- Poliana and Dimitri Moufarrege
- The Rosenthal Family
- Victoria and Arno Schwarz
- Lis and Edward Weaver
- The Lloyd Family
- Helena and Marcos Spieler
- Sara and Luiz Tastardi
- The McCarthy Family
- Viviane and Eduardo Guimaraes
- The Macedo Family
- Craig Bavinton
- The Hormain Family
- The Leonetti Family
- Alina Asiminei and Antônio Diogo
- The Hughes Cardoner Family
- The Westphalen Family
- Jassi Grewal
- The Esteves Family
- Tatiana and George Kerr
- The Doherty Family
- Flavia Cipovicci and José Berenguer
- Laura and André Covre
- Carminha Pereira de Morais
- The Lawrence Bueno Family
- Celiza and José Cabral
- The Rinzler Mizne Family
- Juliana and Eduardo Mufarej
- Marcia and Claudio Moraes
- The Paes Family
- Monize Neves and Ricardo Vasques
- The Bartunek Family
Without the generosity of our donors, our mission to provide life-changing educational opportunities would not be possible. Every donation, whether regular or sporadic, and every contribution at our events plays a crucial role in shaping the future of many young individuals and their families.
We extend our gratitude to all our donors for believing in our mission and their commitment to making a difference. Together, we transform lives through education.
Below, we acknowledge and honour those who have supported our foundation over the years:
Scholarship Endowment
Karen and James Oliveira
The Maria Luiza and Fabio Lutfalla Family
The Bartunek Family
Elvio and Luciana Rocha
The Rigon Custódio Family
Vinland Capital
Anonymous x2
The Abrahao Family
Alexandre Birman
Bianca Corona and Eugenio Ermirio de Moraes
The Bobrow Family
Isabella Renwick Magano and Guilherme Luz
The Jezzi Family
The Maluf Vasconcellos Family
Marina and Marcos Maluf
Marina Dias Nahas and Guilherme Nahas
Marina Vicintin Lopes and Arthur Vicintin
The Martinez Goldberg Family
The Miglioli Family
The Pessoa Family
PTA (Parent Teacher Association) St. Paul’s School
The Rinzler Mizne Family
Sanyuu Corretagem de Seguros
SODEXO Escolas e Universidades
The Sommer Family
Tatiana and Eric Fonseca
Thais and Antonio Pereira
Tracy Francis and Philip Reade
Anonymous x3
Adele Mansur
Adèle Sader Abdalla
Alan Landecker
Alessandra and Henrique Cury
Alessandra Glogowsky Hamoui
Alessandra Leite and Richard Boyes Ford
Alexander Ball
Alexandre Groszmann
Alexandre Sandreschi de Carvalho
Alice Navarro Castello Branco Hay
Alvaro Setubal Carramaschi
The Amaral and Nahas Families
Ana Beatriz Rodrigues Costa
Ana Carolina Corona Goldfarb
Andre de Biasi
André Ferreira
Andre Nahas Couri
Andréa Rivetti de Miranda
Andrea e Luiz Francisco Guerra
Andrea Maria Curi Abbud
Anna Beatriz Flecha de Lima da Cunha Pereira
Anna Karinna and Henrique Russowsky
Anthony Martins Calfat
Antonia Ferreira
Antonio Ferraz
Astrid Maria Macdonald Smith de Vasconcellos
The Barneschi Family
Bianca Soares Marques De Oliveira
The Bodra Family
The Brant de Carvalho Family
Bregitte Couri
Camila David Chang
Camillo Louvise
Candelaria Mas Pomahevic
Carla Ball
Carlos Eduardo Lopes Amato
Carol Goldfarb and Ricardo Goldfarb
Carolina Bicudo
The Carvalheira Family
Catarina Arena
The Cepera Family
Christian Galvao Davies
Clara Verdier
The Cochrane Family
Constantin C.C. Nikolaus Stephan Jancso
Cristina Junqueira
Cristina Verona
The Darahem Family
Deborah and André Pontual
Mr. Derek Barnes
The Doherty Family
Edmond Jreissati
Eduarda Salem Cunha Derani
Eduardo Bicudo
Elena Crescia
Elisa Vasone
Elize Ohara
Evandra and Antonio Mansur
Fabiana Costa Caporal Sonder
Fabiana Dias de Souza Faria
Fabiana Guardia
Fabio Garret
Fabio Melo
Felipe Lebl
Felipe Van Heemstede
Fernanda Abs Benedetti
Fernanda Kehdi Schahin
Fernando Arruda
Fernando Joao Fernandes Albino
Filipe Pais Monteiro
Flavia and José Berenguer
Flavia and Rodrigo Terpins
Florencia Azcune
Florent Alain Henri Dupui
Francis Brian Duke
Francisco José João Rocha Moura de Castro
The Frussa Family
Gabriela Giovanni Carlos Couri
Gabriela Perez Loos Martins
Gabriella Peixoto Rocha Monteiro
George Miya Watanabe
The Giannella Family
Giulio Musini
The Greenlees Family
Guilherme Salem Gattaz
Helena Cecilia Whitelock Garcia and Mario Sergio Pereira Gomes
Heloísa Figueiredo Ferraz and Felipe Tucunduva van Heemstede
Humberto Meirelles
Irina Kodin and Paulo Calligopoulos
Isabella Cury
Isabella da Cunha
Isabella Tereza Sallum Nahas Aidar
Isabella Zarzur Curiati
Ivan Carneiro
The Jannuzzi Family
Jasmine Noronha
Jean Pierre Guimaraes Moreau
João Mazzilli Suplicy
João Pedro Verissimo
Jordana Laffranchi Schietti
José Antonio Veiga Pereira
José Ricardo Afonso
Juliana and Eduardo Mufarej
Juliana and Luis Henrique Siqueira
Juliana Lutfalla Zarzur de Carvalho and Alexandre Sandreschi de Carvalho
The Junqueira Family
Karla Gabriela Montes de Oca Torres
Kathleen Marcus Weiss
Klaus Wuestefeld
Lana Cristina Delfino Romani
Laura Simões de Assis Mendes de Castro
The Leite Family
Lilian Chiba and Craig Bavinton
Lorenzo Di Pace
Lourenço Chohfi Neto
Lucas Yeghiaian
Luciana D'Angelo
Luciano Fialho De Pinho
Luisa Osborn Mahfuz
Malaika and Anand Hemnani
Marcio Marino
Marcio Paludo Mondin
Marco Jose Perlman
Marco Saverio Luigi Caputo
Maria Angela and Hagop Guerekmezian
Maria Beatriz Telles
Maria Helena Bordon Meirelles
Maria Luisa and Pedro Espírito Santo
Maria Victoria Parolin da Cunha Duailibi
Mariana Marquetti Hemerich
Marina Valentini
Marina Haidar Chede Carton
Maristela Romano
Mark Simon Kornel Lebl
Martin Arntsen
Mateus Ferreira
Mauricio Jacob
Mauricio Martins
Michael Montgomery
Michael Vladimirski Farina
Mirella Sader Borges
Monize Neves and Ricardo Vasques
Nadia Bonduki
Natalie Zarzur Maluf
Natasha Torenhejm Fonoff
Neil Montgomery
Nelson Sapsezian
Nicholas Ware
Olivia Navarro Castello Branco
Ornella Moraes
Paola Leuzzi Miglioli
Paula Abramovicz Erlich
Paula Whitaker Labuschagne
Paulo Nogueira Batista Senior
Pedro Americo Mendes de Castro
The Pereira Lopes Family
Poliana and Dimitri Moufarrege
Poliana and Rodrigo Storti
Rafael Gasparian Jardim
Rafaela Angelini Frankenthal
Rafaella Cury Facchini
Raquel MacDonald
Renata Arnhold Moura
Renata Goldfarb and Luiz Fernando Mussolini Neto
Renata Ortiz Jafet Doria
Renato Ribeiro Fortes Abucham
Mr. Richard Lawrence
Roberto Pereira Lima Jr.
Roberto de Lara Campos Sheldon
Roberto Zanotto Duailibi
Roderick Renfreck
Rodolfo Aranha Barreto
Rodrigo Diniz
Rodrigo Sancovsky
Rodrigo Calfat Yazbek
Rodrigo Garcia Borges
Ryan Sanjay Noronha
Mr. Ronn Gabay
Sandra Christina Josiger
The Schwarz Family
Dra. Silvana Chedid Grieco
Simone Krauss Dutra
Sofia Salem Derani
The Souza Mansur Family
Stephanie Bonduki Salem
Stephanie Goldfinger Kopenhagen
Stephen Duvignau
Suzy Robertson Forrest de Souza
Taku Inoue
Tatiana and George Kerr
Tatiana Maria Emberson
Tatiana Skaf
The Weaver Family
Thiago Achatz
Thomas Mello Peixoto Ubersfeld
Thomas Philip Miller Levy
Thomas Zink Koelle
Tiago Schietti
Vanessa Nahas Couri De Gennaro
Vera Maria Salem Gattaz
Victoria Calfat
Victoria Yazbek
Victoria and Arno Schwarz
Victoria and Bruno Couri
Victoria Pacey Amato
Vivian Federer
Viviane and Stephen Hood
Wellington Vasconselos
Westphalen Family
Whitney and Frederico de Souza Queiroz
The Wyatt Family
The Yue Family
Anonymous x7
Alexandre Cafe Birman
Bianca Corona and Eugenio Ermirio de Moraes
Isabella Magano
Ronn Gabay
Sanyuu Corretagem de Seguro
Thais and Antonio Pereira
The Bobrow Family
The Jezzi Family
The Maluf Vasconcellos Family
The Martinez Goldberg Family
The Rinzler Mizne Family
Tracy Francis and Philip Reade
Vivian and André Caldas
Adèle Sader Abdalla
Alberto Malta Campos Jr.
Alexander Ball
Alison and Luke Ashman
Alvaro Setubal Carramaschi
Amaral and Nahas Families
Ana Patricia De Souza Velloso
Ana Paula Rondinelli Gaz
Ana Sofia Pintassilgo da Costa Albino
Anand Arjan Hemnani
André Pontual
André Ferreira
Andre Iaconelli Alves da Silva
Andre Nahas Couri
Andrea and Luiz Francisco Guerra
Andrea Maria Curi Abbud
Andres Sommer
Anna Karinna and Henrique Russowsky
Bernardo Assumpção
Bianca Soares Marques De Oliveira
Bonnie Ford
Bruno Hannud
Bruno Gargiulo
Camila Lucato
Camila David Chang
Carla Rebizzi Vasone Chohfi
Carolina Haddad Zake
Carolina Musa Fontana Gargiulo
Claudia Bortoletto
Claudia Berberi Jreissati
Clicia Maria Lutti Freeman
Cristina Junqueira
Cristina Verona
Daniella Buzaid Fleury Hassun
Deborah Ann Mason Pontual
Denise and Felipe Mattar
Derek Barnes
Diana Lins de Noronha Pereira Lopes
Dr. Silvana Chedid Grieco
Edmond Jreissati
Eduardo Rondinelli Gaz
Elie Sherique
Elisa Vasone
Evandra and Antonio Mansur
Fabiana Dias de Souza Faria
Fabiano Mansur
Felipe Barros Barreto Aidar
Felipe Goron
Fernanda Assumpção
Fernanda Leite Goron
Fernando Joao Fernandes Albino
Flavia Schmidt
Flavia and José Berenguer
Flavia and Rodrigo Terpins
Florent Alain Henri Dupui
Gabriela Affonso Ferreira Giannella
Gabriela Giannella Horta
Gabriela Giovanni Carlos Couri
Gabriella Peixoto Rocha Monteiro
George Miya Watanabe
Guilherme and Laura Forbes
Guilherme Sallum Nahas
Gustavo Alexander H.T. Lycouropoulos
Helena and Marcos Spieler
Irina Kodin
Isabel Quintella Lecuyer
Isabella Tereza Sallum Nahas Aidar
Jan Felix Krueder
Jasper Joseph Carton
Joana Hawker Lauzana dos Santos
Jon Dicks
Jorge Dodi Nassib Hassun
Julia McManus
Kai Chi Chang
Karina Mizusaki and Graziano Messana
Karla Gabriela Montes de Oca Torres
Kian Koramshai
Kieran McManus
Lana Cristina Delfino Romani
Leticia Watanabe
Ligia Borges Casas
Lilian Chiba and Craig Bavinton
Lilian Osborn
Liliane and Rodrigo Sancovsky
Lourenço Chohfi Neto
Luciana D’Angelo
Luciana Mifano
Luciano Fialho De Pinho
Luiz Henrique Guerra
Luiza Leitão da Cunha
Malaika Jagdish D Hemnani
Marcia Toniolo de Moraes
Marco Perlman
Maria Elena Crescia
Mariana Nascimento
Mariana Aitken
Mariana e Mirko Lebl
Marina Valentini
Marina and Marcos Maluf
Marina Dias Nahas
Marina Haidar Chede Carton
Mario Haberfeld
Maristela Scenna-Romano
Mark Lebl
Martha Skinner
Maude Davey
Melina e Paulo Batista
Melissa Bogorotty Sherique
Milena Junqueira
Monize Neves and Ricardo Vasques
Natalie and Ricardo Melare
Nathalie Merand
Nicholas Johnston
Olga Treivas
Paula and Evan Meyer
Paula Vasone
Paula Whitaker Labuschagne
Paulo Nogueira Batista Senior
Paulo Skaf Filho
Peter Ford
Poliana and Dimitri Moufarrege
Poliana Moufarrege
Priscila Rodrigues
Raphael Falcioni
Raquel e Leonardo Balsalobre
Renata Goldfarb
Renata Jafet Doria
Richard Lawrence
Rita Drummond
Roberta Koramshai
Roberto Pereira Lima Jr.
Roberto de Lara Campos Sheldon
Roderick Renfreck
Rodolfo Aranha Barreto
Roxana Picado Reider
Rubens Pereira
Sergio Atherino Doria
Silvia and Guilherme Cavalcanti
Sonia and Renato Furtado
St. Paul’s School
Stella Vassiliades
Stephanie Bonduki Salem
Sura Ferreira
Susan Alexa Hume Purdie
Taiza Krueder
Tatiana Skaf
Telma Sheldon
The Abrahao Family
The Barneschi Family
The Bartunek Family
The Bodra Family
The Carvalheira Family
The Cepera Family
The Cepera Family
The Darahem Family
The Domecq Abucham Family
The Edge Family
The Frussa Family
The Giannella Brant de Carvalho Family
The Greenlees Family
The Junqueira Family
The Kerr Family
The Leite Family
The Lomas Geld Family
The Penchas Family
The Rembado Gonçalves Family
The Valentini Family
The Weaver Family
The Westphalen Family
The Wyatt Family
The Yue Family
Tom Skinner
Vanessa Short
Victoria and Bruno Couri
Victoria Couri
Viviane and Stephen Hood
Whitney and Frederico de Souza Queiroz
Alexandre Cafe Birman
The Rinzler Mizne Family
Luciana and Elvio Rocha
The Mizne Family
The Jezzi Family
Mr Ronn Gabay
The Weaver Family
Guilherme de Figueiredo Forbes
The Pessoa Family
Adriana Tourinho Ferreira Buzaid
Ana Marta and Eduardo Bodra
The Doherty Family
Mrs Ana Paula Martinez
Andréa Rivetti de Miranda
Angel David Ariaz
Anna Karina Russowsky
Evandra and Antonio Mansur
Arno Schwarz
Ayelet Vardi
The Cepera Family
Caroline Nistal Célico
Christian Mauad Gebara
The Bobrow Family
Mr Derek Barnes
Edmond Jreissati
Fabiana Costa Caporal Sonder
Fabio Riccelli
Denise and Felipe Mattar
Fernanda Prado Junqueira Franco
Flavia and José Berenguer
Gabriela Giannella Horta
Gagandeep Rehal
The Kerr Family
Giovanna Silvestri de Oliveira Machado
Ms Isabella Magano
Laura F De A Almeida Cerdeira
Lisandra Melzer
Marcela Ramirez Castro
The Abrahao Family
Helena and Marcos Spieler
The Brant de Carvalho Family
Maria Castaño Martinez
Maria Luisa and Pedro Espírito Santo
The Drummond Barreto Family
Maria Victoria Raggio Hime
The Junqueira Family
Mariana de Oliveira
The Wyatt Family
Mariana Braga Aitken
Marina and Marcos Maluf
Marina Dias Nahas
Maya Galesloot
The Yue Family
Mariana and Mirko Lebl
Monize Neves and Ricardo Vasques
Natalie and Ricardo Melare
Oskar Von Treuenfels
Patricia Maria De Faria
Paulo Mendes
Pedro Luis Madia de Souza
Pedro Miguel Cordeiro Mateo
The Amaral and Nahas Families
The Darahem Family
Roderick and Noemy Greenlees
Rodrigo Magalhaes
Sandra Delarco Ramos
The Pompiani Family
Sheila Lara Loeb
Verena Ferreira Barneschi
Vivian Trindade
Yara Mangini K Perrotti
Ana and Marco Abrahao
The Bartunek Family
The Esteves Family
The Giannella Family
Marcia and Claudio Moraes
The Rinzler Mizne Family
Constantino De Oliveira Jr.
The Bobrow Family
Flavia and José Berenguer
The Paes Family
The St. Paul’s PTA
Alec Cunningham
Alessandra R Mendes Caldeira
Alessandro Zema Silva
Alina Asiminei and Antônio Diogo
Amy Clifford
Ana Cristina Ansarah Varela
Andrea Doria
Anne-Titia Katrien Bové
Carlos A. Lima
Carminha Pereira de Morais
Carolina Mariutti and Sergio Almeida
Celia and George Schahin
Celiza and José Cabral
Cinthia and Ary Viriato
Claudia and Alberto Bitran
Craig Bavinton
Cristina Franch and James Wilkinson
Daniela Stella B. Hemsi
Debora and Fernando Hormain
Fabiana Dias de Souza Faria
Fernanda and Anthony Jezzi
Fernando Joao Fernandes Albino
Flavia Fortunee De Picciotto Terpins
Gabriel Ramirez Coelho
Gustavo Alexander H.T. Lycouropoulos
Helena and Marcos Spieler
Isaac Isy Hemsi
James Belmonte-Diver
Jassi Grewal
Joanna Crellin and Rod Escombe
Joao Pinho de Mello
Juliana and Eduardo Mufarej
Kathryn Bancroft
Katmandu Importação
Laura and André Covre
Leda Machado
Leonardo Rocha
Leticia Pereira de Brito Sampaio
Lia Karina Muschellack
Louise Simpson and Darren Davies
Luciana Ribeiro
Luciana Gebara Efeiche
Luis Mario Galbetti
Luiza Leitão da Cunha
Maria Carolina Penchas
Maria Otavia Lellis Vieira
Matthew Puffett
Miguel Pereira
Mirella Lima
Monize Neves and Ricardo Vasques
Mr Pablo Born
Mr Richard Lawrence
Mr Ronn Gabay
Ms Loren Bassan
Ms Lucy Hunter
Patricia Goldberg Terpins
Poliana and Dimitri Moufarrege
Priscila Pereira Rodrigues
Raquel de Queiroz Barbara Gebara
Rebeca and Bernardo Ouro Preto
Renata and Bruno Soter
Roberta Spera de Almeida
Rodrigo Vella
Samantha Muller
Sandra and Raphael de Cunto
Sara and Luiz Tastardi
Sita and Alistair Taylor
Sonamjeet Narwan
Taiza Krueder
Tatiana and George Kerr
Thais and Antonio Pereira
The Carvalheira Family
The Costa Franco Family
The Doherty Family
The Farhat Family
The Greenlees Family
The Hughes Cardoner Family
The Leonetti Family
The Lloyd Family
The Lomas Geld Family
The Macedo Family
The McCarthy Family
The Rosenthal Family
The Sousa Costa Family
The Weaver Family
The Westphalen Family
Tiago and Carla Noronha
Tracy Francis and Philip Reade
Valeria and Michael Weber
Victoria and Arno Schwarz
Vivian Bennett Pinto Pimenta
Viviane and Eduardo Guimaraes
Viviane and Stephen Hood
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