
July is a holiday month for St. Paul’s School pupils, but some of our scholars have also taken this time as an opportunity to enrich their academic and cultural experiences through summer courses in universities across the globe.

The summer course is an immersive experience that allows pupils to learn a lot about areas of their interest during the mid-year holidays. It is an opportunity to work on their skills for university and professional life. It also allows cultural exchange with students from other countries and opens their horizons through international living. For our scholars, in many cases, it is a chance for them to travel abroad for the first time and share new findings with their families. Aware of the importance and the transformational power of this experience, the Foundation supports and funds these courses for our scholars.

The first scholar to embark on the adventure during the last school holidays was Enzo. He participated in a highly competitive selection process to be a part of the Yale Young Global Scholars academic programme. During this two-week course, pupils participate in a range of activities, including talks with renowned professors from the institution, debate groups with specialized instructors, seminars and planning for the execution of a final group project.  

Enzo sat the course after he finished his academic journey in Form 5. He took lessons in Science and Technology Innovation and, with the help of his colleagues from different nationalities, presented a comparative study between protons and photons in the treatment of brain tumours. 

For him, the highlights of the trip included cultural diversity. “There are pupils from over 150 different countries who interact daily and share experiences, increasing our social and cultural repertoire”, he says. He also mentions “the effervescent routine on campus, with a good balance between academic activities and time to explore the campus and the peaceful city of New Haven, and the discussions with the programme instructors that gave me the chance to further my knowledge on scientific methods and research techniques.”  

Enzo feels as though the programme helped spark an interest in Nuclear Physics and Quantum Mechanics, which he hopes to further his studies in throughout the next few years.

Exploring the city of New Haven, where Yale is located
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Claudia, another of our scholars about to start studies in Lower 6, experienced a little bit of life on the other side of the Atlantic, participating in a summer course in Cambridge, England! During the two-week programme, students were challenged to create their own businesses, and Claudia decided to sell brigadeiros, raising money for charity and taking a little bit of Brazil to England.

Claudia mentioned that the trip allowed her to have a dream come true. During the weekend, she got to visit London and even rode the London Eye! For Claudia, “Seeing the city from above was a really special moment, especially being surrounded by new friends”. By the end of the second week, she delivered her second project and wrapped up the course receiving the “Businesswomen of the Year” award.  

“The summer course was essential to help me understand the essence of business. I learned about the key principles of business, such as skills in leadership, knowledge of finance and working with people. I also got to experience a new place – Cambridge has an amazing atmosphere, full of traditions created by the students, which makes us feel like we belong to that place.”, Claudia adds. 

The St. Paul’s Foundation Scholarship Programme is an initiative that sees the positive impact of a high-end education beyond the classroom walls and school boundaries. We offer a unique opand experience intense cultural exchange, expand their horizons and realize their potential and ambitions, enriching those around them with their life perspectives and helping build a better future for the community as global citizens. If you want to know more about how to support our programme and our scholars’ transformative journeys, check our website.

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