
The St. Paul’s Foundation recently hosted the third edition of our Welcome Barbecue, bringing together our scholars and their families.  

This event has become an annual tradition at the Foundation and allows the pupils from different entry years, their parents and siblings to connect and engage with each other. Hosting the barbecue early in the school year creates a unique opportunity for integration right at the start of their academic journeys. This is an opportunity to connect those who joined the school in different years to learn more about each other and become a new source of support. 

For our 15 new scholars, this was a chance to meet all their fellow students and their families, share experiences, and begin building friendships that will support them throughout their time at St. Paul’s. For those who have been with us longer and are preparing for a busy term ahead, the barbecue offered a chance to inspire the newcomers.  

This exchange between families strengthens the essential support network that helps all scholars feel more welcome and integrated into the school community. The whole group of around 120 people enjoyed valuable moments of relaxation, connection, and fun.  

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“The interaction with other scholarship families was wonderful! The moments of conversation and the exchange of experiences was truly enriching”, says Alexandra, mother of Lorena, in Form 3. 

“I must share the joy and satisfaction we had in meeting new families, listening to so many stories and especially in seeing all the care and effort of the Foundation team to make everything perfect.”, adds Ellen, Arthur’s (Form 4) mother. 

We hope to continue nurturing these connections and see the bonds between our scholars and their families grow, enriching their individual paths at St. Paul’s School. 


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