
The academic year at St. Paul’s School began this week with enthusiasm and many new developments, especially for our scholars. We have reached an important milestone: we now have 40 St. Paul’s Foundation scholars across all years of the Senior School, from Form 1 to Upper 6.

Among these 40 scholars, fifteen are starting their journey at St. Paul’s School this year. This is our largest group of new scholars since the start of our Scholarship Programme, and we are extremely proud to welcome these talented students into our community. They have already started to engage in various activities and explore the opportunities that St. Paul’s School offers.

Meet the Tutor and a special welcome

Even before the start of classes, our new scholars had the opportunity to participate in “Meet the Tutor.” This event is a tradition at the school and provides new students with a special moment to get to know their tutors—teachers who will closely accompany their academic and personal journey throughout the year. This initial welcome is crucial for all to feel part of the St. Paul’s community and to better understand the school’s routines from day one.

We are excited about this moment for our students and look forward to the adventures and achievements to come. It’s a very special group that grows and strengthens each year. With dedication and mutual support, we are confident that this will be a year filled with growth and success for all!

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