Annual Report
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Annual Report
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About us

The St. Paul’s Foundation

Our mission is to transform our scholars’ lives with a world-class education giving them access to an excellent curriculum, outstanding pastoral support, within a safe and nurturing environment. Whilst our scholars will receive all of the advantages that St. Paul’s School has to offer, they will in turn enrich the school environment with their perspectives on life and achievements.


Beyond a scholarship programme

Titus Edge, St. Paul’s Headmaster

“Through the St. Paul’s Foundation, we are now able to offer this opportunity to young people of exceptional ability and flair, regardless of their financial means”

Elisa, foundation’s scholar

“The school has broadened my horizons and I now realise that I have many more options than I thought I did, and I know I can achieve so much more as a result.”

João Pedro, former foundation’s scholar

“Becoming a scholar changed my life and that of my family.”

Guilherme Forbes, current parent at St. Paul’s and donor of the foundation

“Supporting access to quality education by kids who are less privileged can not only transform those kids’ life but also set a great example for our own children”

Titus Edge, St. Paul’s Headmaster

“Through the St. Paul’s Foundation, we are now able to offer this opportunity to young people of exceptional ability and flair, regardless of their financial means”

Elisa, foundation’s scholar

“The school has broadened my horizons and I now realise that I have many more options than I thought I did, and I know I can achieve so much more as a result.”

João Pedro, former foundation’s scholar

“Becoming a scholar changed my life and that of my family.”

Guilherme Forbes, current parent at St. Paul’s and donor of the foundation

“Supporting access to quality education by kids who are less privileged can not only transform those kids’ life but also set a great example for our own children”

Our selection process

Our candidates go through a rigorous selection process, that lasts more than one year and brings various learning opportunities. Find out below what are the five steps of the process:

1. Application form submission and documentation analysis

At this stage, if the candidate fits the criteria, they must fill out our application form with their information and upload the following documents:

  • Submit a screenshot of the latest academic records (boletins) with all the grades of the year (mandatory), and a screenshot of the academic transcripts (Histórico Escolar) (desirable).
  • A handwritten composition in English of at most 200 words, based on one of the topics chosen for that year's Selection Process.
  • A 90-second video in English introducing themselves and explaining why they want to be granted a full scholarship at St. Paul's School.

To read more details on this stage, click here.

2. A visit to St. Paul’s School to perform online tests

Candidates selected for this stage will visit St. Paul's School to take two standardized exams: the NGRT (New Group Reading Test) and CAT4 (Cognitive Abilities Test). These assessments, conducted on iPads, are mandatory for all candidates aspiring to join St. Paul's School and thus, are the exams we use for our candidates. The tests do not require any previous preparation.

3. Individual Interviews

Candidates selected for this stage will undergo an interview with one of the school's leadership members. This interview will be conducted via video call, providing another valuable opportunity to delve deeper into the candidate's experiences and aspirations.

4. A preparation period of up to one year including an English immersion course and interview with family members

At this stage, selected candidates will undergo our Preparatory Course, consisting of two phases. The initial phase spans six months, during which candidates will attend English classes twice a week at Cultura Inglesa and once a week at St. Paul's School in the afternoons, guided by our dedicated teaching volunteers.

Following the first semester, a thorough evaluation will take place. Those chosen will proceed to attend classes three times a week at St. Paul's School, facilitated by teaching volunteers. During this phase, the curriculum encompasses British Culture, introductory subjects (Maths, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, History, and Geography), and intriguing St. Paul's fun facts. This period is pivotal for candidates to familiarize themselves with the school, and for teachers to understand the candidates better.

Beyond academic content and an introduction to St. Paul's teaching model, candidates engage with the school's Socioemotional Learning team and connect with current scholars and other Pauleans.

The Preparatory Course provides an immersive experience and a unique opportunity for students to learn a new language and develop socioemotional skills, assets they can leverage throughout their lives. Over the 12-month course, scholarship aspirants also receive visits from a social worker to better understand their family and home environment. A psychologist conducts interviews with the students and their parents to gain insights into the candidate's psychosocial profile.

5. Final scholars’ selection

Upon completion of the Preparatory Course, candidates will undergo a reassessment, retaking the NGRT and the CAT4 to gauge their progress over the past year. Once the final selection of scholars is determined, successful candidates will be notified and participate in an Induction Week, receiving their uniforms and gearing up for the commencement of classes after the holidays.

1. Envio do formulário de inscrição e análise de documentos

Nesta etapa, se o candidato atender aos critérios, ele deve preencher nosso formulário de inscrição gratuitamente com suas informações e fazer o upload dos seguintes documentos:

  • Enviar uma captura de tela dos registros acadêmicos mais recentes (boletins) com todas as notas do ano (obrigatório) e uma captura de tela do histórico escolar (desejável).
  • Uma composição escrita em inglês de no máximo 200 palavras, com base em um dos temas escolhidos para o Processo Seletivo daquele ano.
  • Um vídeo de 90 segundos em inglês se apresentando e explicando por que deseja obter uma bolsa integral na St. Paul's School.

Para ler mais detalhes sobre esta etapa, clique aqui.

2. Visita à St. Paul's School para testes

Candidatos selecionados para esta etapa visitarão a St. Paul's School para realizar dois exames padronizados: o NGRT (New Group Reading Test) e o CAT4 (Cognitive Abilities Test). Essas avaliações, conduzidas em iPads, são obrigatórias para todos os candidatos que aspiram ingressar na St. Paul's School e, portanto, são os exames que utilizamos para nossos candidatos. Não é necessário nenhum preparo prévio para a realização dos testes.

3. Entrevistas individuais

Candidatos selecionados para esta etapa passarão por uma entrevista com um dos membros da liderança da escola. Esta entrevista será realizada via videochamada, proporcionando outra oportunidade valiosa para se aprofundar nas experiências e aspirações do candidato.

4. Curso de preparação e imersão em inglês com duração de até um ano e entrevista com familiares

Nesta fase, os candidatos selecionados passarão pelo nosso Curso Preparatório, composto por duas fases. A fase inicial abrange seis meses, durante os quais os candidatos terão aulas de inglês duas vezes por semana na Cultura Inglesa e uma vez por semana na St. Paul's School à tarde, orientados por nossos professores voluntários.

Após o primeiro semestre, uma avaliação minuciosa ocorrerá. Os escolhidos seguirão para aulas três vezes por semana na St. Paul's School, facilitadas por nossos professores voluntários. Durante esta fase, o currículo abrange Cultura Britânica, disciplinas introdutórias (Matemática, Biologia, Química, Física, História e Geografia) e curiosidades sobre a St. Paul's. Este período é fundamental para que os candidatos se familiarizem com a escola e para que os professores conheçam melhor os candidatos.

Além do conteúdo acadêmico e de introdução ao modelo de ensino da St. Paul's, os candidatos têm encontros com a equipe de Aprendizagem Socioemocional da escola e conhecem atuais bolsistas e outros Pauleans.

O Curso Preparatório oferece uma experiência intensa e uma oportunidade única de os alunos aprenderem uma nova língua e desenvolverem habilidades socioemocionais, recursos dos quais poderão se aproveitar por toda a vida. Durante os 12 meses do curso, os aspirantes à bolsa também recebem a visita de uma assistente social para conhecer melhor sua família e o ambiente doméstico. Uma psicóloga também entrevista os alunos e seus pais para saber mais sobre o perfil psicossocial do candidato.

5. Seleção final do bolsista

Após a conclusão do Curso Preparatório, os candidatos passarão por uma reavaliação, refazendo o NGRT e o CAT4 para avaliar seu progresso ao longo do último ano. Uma vez determinada a seleção final de bolsistas, os candidatos bem-sucedidos serão notificados e participarão de uma Semana de Indução, recebendo seus uniformes e se preparando para o início das aulas após as férias.

Are you a potential candidate? Or do you know one?


Video gallery

  •  Ana Claudia: transformando sonhos em realidade

    Ana Claudia: turning dreams into reality

  • João Pedro: transformando sonhos em realidade

    João Pedro: turning dreams into reality

  • O Impacto da oportunidade

    The impact of this opportunity

  • Mudar a vida de todos

    Changing lives

  • Uma experiência transformadora

    A life changing experience

  • Conheça um ex-bolsista

    Meet one of our ex-scholars

News Blog

Frequently asked questions for St. Paul’s Foundation Selection Process

The St. Paul’s Foundation Selection Process consists of five main stages that take place over 18 months. Given the complexity of this process, designed to evaluate students individually, candidates and…

Social-emotional support for candidates and scholars: get to know more

At the St. Paul’s Foundation, we believe in a holistic approach to student development, considering both their academic and interpersonal skills. Our selection process aims to identify not only academic…

Lion Learning: building key habits for success 

At St. Paul’s Senior School, we emphasise a set of essential habits known as “Lion Learning,” which are encouraged by teachers and staff members to help pupils develop skills for…

Contact us

    If you would like to send us a message, please use this form, and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Fundação St. Paul's

    Juquiá St., 166 - Jardim Paulistano | São Paulo - SP

    +55 11 3087-3393


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